Tłumaczenia wierszy na inne języki.
Keep calm – przekład Agnieszka Judd (USA)
Whatever happens
Keep calm
Viruses roam the continents
Fly by the plane
Look into the eyes
And heart
Destroy the ocean of thoughts
Be a soldier
Armed with smile
Shield of tenderness
Surround loved ones
Keep calm
Kindle the hope
In others’ eyes
Become a grass
Autistic cocoon – przekład Agnieszka Judd (USA)
I live in a cocoon
Blue shell
Filters the sun
I am talking
I am screaming
I am crying
Mom does not understand
Invisible thread
Surrounds me
Release me
Hold me
Even when I scratch
I beg for love
Don’t reject me
Save me
Like Wanderers – przekład Agnieszka Judd (USA)
We are included in the calculation of the world
Once you mate
Ten I check
And although winters are passing, summers
Still is the best to dream under the sky
Like Wanderers on the road
Towns and villages
People dreams
Stones shells
Sea sand
Tears pressed
Between happiness
On the map of life
The compass of the heart knows the way
Mountains rivers forest behind us
Still an unknown distance ahead
Message – przekład Agnieszka Judd (USA)
Build the world anew
From the basement to the roof
Shake the pillows full of feelings
Wash dark thoughts from the windows
Garnish balcony with flowers
Wrap walls with love
Prepare warm words
For everyday and Sunday
So the happiness will not run out
Gather smiles like plums
Preserve in jars
For winter
And rain
I will come to this world
Invite me for a tea
There will be spot for a cat
Colorful windowsill
Three women in burqas – przekład Agnieszka Judd (USA)
First in brown
Horror in the eyes
Shaky step
Second in white
Stunned by the news
Takes small steps
Afraid of falling
Third in light blue
Puts courageous steps
Bearded thug
Prods women apart
Life goes on
People eat dates
Death hangs in the air
Three women
Kneel on the asphalt
Air is stagnant
Thug carries a rifle
Like a bag with groceries
Sneaks from the back
Like a thief
Shoots in the neck
The one in the brown
Falls forward
The one in white
On her face
The one in light blue
Still kneeing
With her breasts rebelliously forward
Falls to the side
The burqa seam uncovers a foot
The killer covers it
And calls gravediggers
Letter to Tadeusz Zawadowski – przekład Agnieszka Judd (USA)
The longer I write to You
The more I move away
From dried pear tree
And path of asters
A shed passes by
Eaten by time
Looms in memory
I wash with rain
Faces of memories
Where every summer
Braids of hollyhocks were blooming
Was path of grass
I am writing back
With short thought
Maybe with you it will sprout with a poem
Ida – przekład Agnieszka Judd (USA)
What to do with a coat
Nobody will fasten
A doll that children’s hands will not be holding
A lonely photograph
With nameless people
That will not remind of anyone
Glasses that will not fix the eyesight
Music that is locked in black records
There were so many of them
In little gestures
Repeated every morning
Old drapes blown away by the wind
Scarred wounds
Wrapped with wild plantain
Covered with dust
Mascha Kaleko (1907-1975) German poet of Jewish descent, born in Chrzanow – przekład Agnieszka Judd (USA)
Life turned into escape
Under the sign of a star
I am looking for home
Is there a place on the map
Where being myself I will be at home
So foreign everywhere
Always out of suitcases
Instead of a ticket
I press a poem in my hand
Turmoil again and again
Chases away around the world
People are leaving
Death is a thorn after them
Only Kindness – przekład Agnieszka Judd (USA)
Father crucified by illness
Kept repeating: Happiness brings only kindness
He wrote it into our hearts
Mother binds days with bread
Bakes it before dawn
Home smells like love
In the morning I Cary in the bag
Golden loaves
Ordered by friends
They help to live with dignity
To buy coat for winter
Coal to heat the house
Only kindness
Keeps us alive
Look Father
Picture – przekład Agnieszka Judd (USA)
In the eyes of a woman I saw
A little boy
She was putting him to sleep
Giving milk in the bottle
Checking for fever
She will take cigarettes to jail
Her sentence continues
One cannot be freed from love